PayPal what it is, how it works and how to use it!
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How to use Paypal, how it works and how to use it!

Do you know PayPal? Probably yes, considering that it is one of the most famous and used digital payment instruments in the world (over 250 million active users in 2018) But if the answer is negative. How to use Paypal, how it works, or knowing more about this vital service, you are in the right place.

We want to guide you along a complete and updated path (2020) that will allow you to get the best from PayPal. You will discover how it works, how you can register, how to use it, how to send and receive money, and much more!

How to use PayPal

Let’s start with the basics. That is: what PayPal is.
Why is everyone talking about it? How to use this service, how it works, And what advantages can I get from this financial service and its use?

PayPal is a service that allows you to make payments online and receive money on a virtual account. A sort of electronic wallet that you can manage at any time and from any device connected to the Internet (including your smartphone).
Created in the late 1990s by Peter Thiel, Max Levchin, and Elon Musk (whom you probably know for his adventures between Tesla and Mars!), The service has achieved such great success that it was purchased in 2002 from eBay.
In 2014 PayPal then became “independent” from eBay, giving rise to a newly listed company.

Today the path of evolution of PayPal is far from exhausted. Between the introduction of new products – services and the improvement of the effectiveness of existing ones, it is possible that PayPal can guarantee a leadership role for a long time.

How PayPal works

Having clarified the above, you are probably wondering why such a service has gained such resounding popularity.

Well, the secret is soon revealed.
PayPal has given (and continues to provide!) The exciting opportunity to make payments online without sharing your bank details with the recipient of the amount. Not only!
PayPal can do all this in a simple and substantially convenient way, considering that it is unnecessary to pay fixed fees, but only the commissions received per single transaction. By the way, How to use Paypal, how it works, break the delay, and analyze them immediately!

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Fees  PayPal:  how much it costs to use this service

Even before understanding how you can register on PayPal and how you can use it, let’s see how much it costs to use it to fulfill all the principal payment and collection operations.

You will immediately realize that using PayPal is cheap and that many operations can be carried out completely free of charge.

In detail:
  • PayPal commissions to buy: buying in euros is free since no commission will be charged
  • PayPal commissions to sell: selling in the eurozone costs up to 3,4% + 0,35 euro per transaction; selling to non-profit organizations costs 1.8% + 0.35 euro per transaction; selling outside the eurozone has an average higher cost, to which the rate for currency conversion must be added;
  • PayPal commissions to send money: sending money to friends and family in the euro area is free if you use the PayPal balance or the current account linked to PayPal; if instead, you use a card connected to the PayPal account (Postepay type), you pay up to 3.4% + 0.35 euros per transaction.

Overall, these are slightly low commissions zeroed for purchases and competitive for sales.

For sending money, the discriminating factor will be represented by the motivation: sending money for the payment of goods and services, in fact, determines commissions equivalent to those received for commercial sales, while the transfer of funds to friends and relatives is free.

PayPal purchase and sales protection

The simplicity and cheapness of the PayPal service are certainly not the only features that could convince you to trust this tool.

Among the various options of particular advantage for those who use PayPal to be able to regulate their online shopping and their sales on the web, specific attention deserves those relating to Purchase Protection and Sales Protection.

In particular, the PayPal Purchase Protection provides that in the case of eligible purchase. That has not arrived or does not correspond to the description of the seller. You can get a refund of the entire amount, including shipping costs.


The same is true if you have been the victim of an online scam following a purchase. Whether it’s between private individuals or between you and a company, you will always have the guarantee of a refund from PayPal in more than short times!

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On the other hand, PayPal Sales Protection protects you. If you have received an unauthorized payment or If one of your buyers claims not to have accepted the purchase. The Sales Protection, in this case, will allow you to recover the full amount of the eligible payment, subject to dispute, chargeback, or reversal.

With such peculiarities. You can well understand how PayPal can become the preferred and welcome payment and collection tool for commercial operations and How to use Paypal, how it works. As well as a real point of reference within the most well-known marketplaces such as eBay.

And you can also imagine how convenient.

It can be to integrate PayPal among the payment instruments that you will evaluate for carrying out purchase operations. For carrying out commercial collection operations!

Thanks to these protections, your money will always be safe. The payment method used, the sale, or the purchase, everything will always be protected. Paypal takes care of everything!

More information and conditions on the service can be found on their dedicated page.

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How to Create a PayPal Account

create PayPal mask accounts you are probably already imagining. To use PayPal, you must first create a free account.

And the beautiful thing is that doing it will be quite simple but above all, speedy!

Let’s see immediately how:

First, connected to the website of the company and immediately after click on the Register button.

On the new page, select  Personal Account (if you are a private individual). Business Account (if you are a business user instead) and press Continue. In this guide, we will deal with the Personal Account. But know that the process for opening a Business Account is not very different.

Very little is missing:
  • in the first screen, you will now have to fill in the quick form with the primary personal data requested
  • to follow, other simple data about you, such as the country. Your address and mobile number (essential to obtain greater security thanks to the 2-step verification that you can activate later)
  • Put the checkmark on Confirm that you have read and accepted. The Pay Pal Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and that you are of legal age. Finally, click on Accept and create account

At this point, you will receive a welcome email (normally it only takes a few seconds of patience!) In which you will be asked to confirm the request to activate your Pay Pal account.

So click on the link in the body of the email: registration is almost done. You will also need to confirm a mobile number by clicking on Receive the code.

In a few seconds, you will receive a 6-digit pin on your mobile phone number, which you will enter in the confirmation code.

Read More: How to pay securely by credit card online.