Five Things to avoid doing before 30 minutes on Exam day

Five Things to avoid doing before 30 minutes on Exam day

The journey of preparation is itself very exhausting that stresses you up and higher the risk of making mistakes. Exam hall is one such place where you experience mixed feelings. Those are the toughest days when you have to deal with your anxiety. It is a mixed feeling that takes you over and leaves you unrest.

Exam period is when you repeat the whole of your syllabus before a day from the exam and on exam day mugging up and revising the syllabus brings you under stress. Well, this stress can lead you to make mistakes and to avoid those you must go through our five things that you must avoid doing on Exam day.

Five Things to avoid doing before 30 minutes on Exam day

Last Minute Revision

You might be thinking that last minute revision is helpful but that is not true. Last minute revision is not always helpful. Whenever you revise in your last 30 minutes your mind gets involved in that particular answer and tries to remember the same answer above everything. So, it is always suggested to keep all your books aside before 30 minutes on exam day from the exam. Do not over think and study any answer at the last minute. Try to wind up everything before 30 minutes without leaving any question to study.

Stressing Yourself

Whenever you stress yourself before an exam you are likely to jumble up everything. Exam Anxiety is the biggest enemy of success because it stresses your mind which results in restlessness. It will enable you to recall your studied answers and make things worse during exams. Few students even start sweating. The level of competency of exams such as UPSC, PCS, JEE, CISF Constable exam needs relaxed mind before attempting the paper. So, take a deep breath and have some water before the exam to stay calm.

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Cluttering of your Desk

Before starting with your exam, make sure that your desk is not cluttered with lots of stationeries. A cluttered desk may irritate you as things won’t be in order. There are people who love cluttered desks but we suggest you avoid this habit during exams because organized things save time and unorganized stationeries will waste your time. So, make sure that you are good to go ahead with your exams with an organized desk.

Surrounding yourself with Chaos

Avoid surrounding yourself with chatterboxes. Many students have a habit of discussing and sharing their worries about exams but it is your duty to take care of yourself and avoid any kind of nuisance around you. Keep yourself calm and relax so that you will be able to keep things in order and write efficiently in exams within the stipulated time period and if you are appearing for any examination such as UP Police SI that needs organizing and time management skills then you must take care of these things.

Appearing exam on Empty Stomach

Exams are a big deal for which revisions start a month ago from the commencement of the exam. We all have anxiety during exams but it is we who control it. We are the only one who can make our preparations beautiful and results could be a lot more fruitful. All written exams last for 3 hours and if you are sitting on an empty stomach then it might affect your exam. Whenever you are hungry, the brain orders you to have food for its better functioning. Well, sometimes resisting from food doesn’t help. So, make sure that your tummy is filled with light breakfast that contains juice and nuts.

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So, now that you know the five things that you must avoid. You must find out different ways to keep yourself Calm and Cool. Always, remember that these three hours will transform you and your identity completely but do not stress yourself with this. The time till now was in your hand and now it is time to perform and give your best. Keep your hold on time and hit hard. Let your result astonish everyone.