Netflix Movies That You Must Watch In 2022


Movies are a reflection of life. They are widely regarded as one of the best mediums through which a creative mind delivers its inner feelings to a large audience.Visit here

Movies are such a medium that has the rare capacity of moving our feelings. On one end it carves out the social issues that get buried into the psychological ground of ignorance and indifference.

Movies make us laugh…makes us cry…teaches us morals…helps develop opinions…break taboos. 

It works to morally police us so that we raise our antenna of awareness. By the way, one could download movies from The PirateBay to get a good experience. 

Of all the mediums that are used Streaming services are the one medium that is hugely popular among us this generation.

Netflix is one such premium streaming service that we will discuss in this very article. We will discuss the Must watch movies in 2022. 


Netflix is an American Subscription streaming service as well as a production company. It allows the members to watch TV shows and movies without the hindrance of any commercials on Internet-connected devices.

One could also download TV shows and movies to the Android and Windows 10 devices without any internet connection. 

History Of Netflix Streaming Service In A Nutshell

Netflix was founded in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph in California. They started by selling and renting DVDs by mail. But it did not really crack for them.

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Things really started picking up in the year 2007 when they introduced streaming media and video on demand. This marked a watershed in the entire reign of viewing films.

During the pandemic, movies were launched on streaming sites like Netflix… a defining idea that helped businesses sustain during the exigency. 

When it went to the general public back in the year 2002 its market capitalization was around $300 million. Presently its market capita exceeds $230 billion. Now, this is called Transformation.Visit here

Netflix Movies That Are A Must-Watch Movie In The Year 2022

Numerous movies were streamed on the Netflix Platforms in the year 2022. This includes Commercial Movies, Old movies, and documentaries.

Not all of them really made a mark. But some of the movies are really exciting, arresting, and heart-rending. Let’s discuss some of them.


Directed by Charlie McDowell, the movie’s psychological playing initiated when a rich man (Plemons) and his wife (Collins) were taken hostage by a robber (Segel)who was robbing it. 

The characters have no name but only “Wife”, “Nobody” and “CEO”. This is a movie about ideas…the haves and the have-nots. 

The movie is excellent, the way the windings and playing of the characters are concerned.

Downfall: The Case Against Boeing

The film is directed by  Rory Kennedy. Here it shows how two new units of the 737 Max Boeing fell out of the sky within 6 months brought down the skyrocketing name and fame Boeing.

The villain behind the debacle was faulty systems which the pilot was blind about. The following documentary stethoscope Boeing’s greed that cost the lives of hundreds of people. The knitting of the events makes the plot extraordinary.

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The Florida Project

A William Defoe Starrer movie where he plays a budget hotel manager named Bobby. He got a long-term resident, a six-year-old Monee(  Brooklyn Prince), and her mother Halley (Bria Vinaite).

A simple yet arresting story displayed the master craft of director Sean Barker.Visit here

The Artist

A slightly meta-story, it showed how Silent film Star George Valentin meets the newcomer Pepy  Miller whose rise coincides with the closing of the silent film.

An excellently weaved script when Vlientinen is left in despair and Miller is left to become his savior. 


A sports movie where it was shown how Oaklands A baseball team’s coach struggles to make a win.

His club runs short of money to recruit new legs. Then incomes Peter Brand teaches him how to build an effective team with a shoestring budget. It’s a thoroughly fun movie that is meant mainly for sports lovers.

Other than this there are certain movies that deserved to have found a place in the list of words permitted!

  • Snatch.
  • The Tinder Swindler.
  • Annabelle: Creation.
  • Don’t Look Up.
  • The Hand of God.

While The Show Closes  

Well… all the films that are selected took judicious efforts but one thing that unites all of them is Quality. 

All the films mentioned above are different from one another. All of the exclusive characteristics guarantee to arrest audiences’ attention. 

So, start watching them now!