You may have reached class 10 and worried about the upcoming board exam. It is crucial to get good numbers in the board exam to be eligible to choose a stream of your choice. The numbers also determine your confidence level to take up higher challenging studies that will further boost your career. Going through class 10 maths ncert solutions will do a lot of good to your memory and help you to get the desired numbers.
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Start early
Do not wait for the term exams to be announced to start preparing the different subjects. Rather start immediately after you get your books on entering Class 10. Advanced studies will help you to overcome stress and tension that is generally noticed during exams.
Many students make the mistake of assuming of having plenty of time in hand and think that they can complete the entire syllabus on time. But the truth is start studying immediately. Late studying will only mean not being able to compete the syllabus, thus resulting in poor scores.
Start early and proper preparations and stick to the set rules. Do not go wayward or break it. Implement the preparation. Study accordingly. If you have problems, then you can join Cuemath as they offer guidelines and suggestions that allow you to study timely, thoroughly and correctly. They also conduct regular exams to check your preparation level.
Prepare study plan
Once you are ready to start your preparation, create appropriate study plan for the whole year. Do ensure to allot time to each and every subject. Complete them within the specified timeframe. Prepare the plan in a manner to ensure not feeling hectic, tired or bored. If attending school, then make sure not to overburden yourself with lots of schedules. Do give equal time to all subjects in your daily study time table. Provide more time for tough subjects during weekends.
Give colour codes
Use different colour codes for each subject to identify them in your plan. Rather than writing their names, use different colours to mark them. This will make your exam study plan to appear colourful and allow you to understand it better at a glance.
Set achievable target
Be realistic in your approach and do not set impossible to achieve targets. Remember, all subjects in Class 10 are quite vast and hence require you to put in lots of time to study them. It is not possible to complete them at a time. Instead, allow equal time to complete the portions. Come up with a weekly or daily target. Try to achieve it. This will immensely boost your confidence. Besides school portions, if you have time, do study extra.
Know exam pattern and complete syllabus
In starting your preparation, do go through the board prescribed syllabus and exam pattern available at the official site. Prepare list of topics you already feel easy, know about including tough topics. Your study plan should have more time allotted for tough topics while easy topics should be given less time. Do choose NCERT books to prepare for the board exam. They are sufficient enough to help score good numbers in the board exam.
Be specific
Make sure that your study plan created for the board is specific. In case you have started your preparation for algebra, then ensure mentioning the specific topic in algebra to complete. Avoid complicating your study plan. Rather, make it easier to achieve and ensure getting frequent breaks in between to stay fresh.
Take breaks
Breaks are important for the body. You should have food and drinks from time to time as well as some entrainment and play, be it offline or online. This will keep you in good mood and act as a stress buster. 5 to 10 minutes break is sufficient after completing every hour of study. Do sleep and eat well to be in good health and avoid being drowsy or hungry all the time. Otherwise, you will not be able to achieve your set target or get good numbers.
NCERT solutions do a lot of good to improve scores in all subjects including maths.