Discord server today is our most reliable and practical system to allow us online role-playing sessions. Thanks to video calls, chats, bots, and a thousand other free features, everyone can create servers tailored to their needs.
If you are here, you probably still have no idea how it works, or have heard of it only recently. Don’t worry: I will guide you step by step to allow you to use Discord at its best. This guide can also be handy for those who want to create a meeting place for their community or improve those you already have. This article, you can know about how to make a discord server and all of about discord server.

Table of Contents
It is good to start from the basics, while for more advanced speeches, use the index here:
How to install discord (PC, iOS, and Android)
Discord is available on fixed and mobile devices, both iOS and Android, Windows, Linux, tablets, and web browsers. In short, there is no excuse for not using it; force have versions earlier than Windows 7, but even in that case, you need Explorer!
From Computer
Go directly to here
Here you will find the various options: Get Discord for Windows, Download for Mac, or Download for Linux.
Otherwise, you can use
By creating the account and then going to this link, you can use Discord directly from the web browser. If you opt for this route, remember to enable a microphone (and webcam, if necessary). You can do this from the browser settings or through a particular popup that will appear during your connection to the site.
From Device
Always through here
Where you find the options: Download for Android and Download for iOS
Or by searching for “Discord” within the App Store, Amazon Store, and Play Store. The application you are looking for is free and developed.

Signing up
To register, enter your e-mail, choose your nickname and password. Approved the declaration (small button under the password field), click on register, and you have already done so.
At this point, a tutorial of the discord functions will start, in the form of an exclamation point on various issues of the screen or a button halo. By placing the mouse over it or touching it, the information will appear. I assure you it will be more explanatory than I can be. Follow him. You won’t regret it.
How to make a discord server
The moment you create a new account, your first action will be to create a new server. This process is free, and you can create a real multitude of servers in a few steps:
Press the green + button located on the left of the Discord screen. At this point, you can create a new one or enter an existing one, following the two options that will appear in front of you.
For this tutorial, we will analyze how to create a server, but if instead, you are interested in joining an already existing community then go to the next point of the guide (List of Servers for role-playing)
At this point, your server should look something like this:

What you need now is to make it a little more practical for your purposes:
- Create new rooms
- Create and assign roles
- Finally, add essential tools to play online.
Rooms: which and how many?
The types of rooms in a server are 2: text (chat) and vocal (voice).
Both can then be used for very different tasks and uses; how this happens technically, I will explain it together with the Roles. For now, we need to think about which channels we want to use on our Server.
The voice channels may have a use based on topics or to create different spaces for conversation. So, let’s say it could at least serve us:
- A general voice channels
- Many available secondary vocal tracks based on user request
- A voice channel for each thematic section of the server
- Many secondary thematic verbal tracks, based on user request
- One or more tracks to listen to music
- One or more channels limited to a few people or specific occasions
- An AFK voice channel
- Many voice channels for the sessions based on user request
The text channels instead may have far more varied uses, and such bots often determine their use, or Webhook will use. Everything depends on what type of server you are creating, and for how many people this is meant. The channels you should use in any case are:
- A general textual channel
- A second available textual channel
- One SPAM text channel (with 18+ limitation)
- A textual medium for each thematic section of the server
- Many more specific text channels, divided by topic or purpose
- A textual medium to use bots
- Or a text channel where to save the link to Roll20 / similar
These ideas serve you to consider a general structure and to build a server to your measure. Sometimes all these channels are not needed, and sometimes they are not enough. Take a pen and paper and improvise a pattern. It will be handy for keeping your ideas organized.
Roles: permissions and privileges
The roles and permissions are crucial block construction of Discord. Without a doubt, however, it is also the most complex, and often dull, part of building a good server.
Each user belongs to everyone’s role, which is a generic role. In addition to this, infinite new parts can be created and assigned. The traditional roles are Admin (administrator), Mod (moderator), User (specific group), and Bot. These are only examples, don’t feel obliged in their creation; different types of servers do not make use of sure of these roles.
In the server settings, you will find roles, within which all the permissions of the different roles you will create will be managed. Read the various descriptions carefully because some are not too intuitive, and you may find yourself in difficulty mistakenly applying for the permissions. Those who don’t have a description, well … the name should say it all.
Tips: Special Permits
- Using speech synthesis: this permission is quite particular, and I usually try to avoid it being used as it is very abusive. It allows you to write messages that will be read by an automatic entry.
- Mention everyone, here and all roles: another permit that I do not recommend to grant for too large communities. So, mass tags should be kept to a minimum as a valuable tool for alerting users. Allowing everyone to tag in bulk is likely to trigger storms of notifications.
- Move users (together with mute): pay close attention to the use of this permission within channels. Maybe you would like to give your Masters the power to remove (or silence) any jammers. Still, there is a big problem with this: the privilege is valid as long as the user is in that channel, but it works on the whole server, and if the user cannot remove the mute then it will have to be a mod to intervene.
- Use voice activation: the permission you must always enable. So, there is a little trick that I use on my servers with this permission: you can make sure that those who do not have this permission or the spectators in the sessions, have to use push-to-talk to avoid the annoyances of those who do not change. You can use a “player” role for those who play in the room, so those who do not have it will be able to speak but will not be able to disturb unwittingly.
- Speech priority: this permission can be a little boring but very useful. It is not convenient to give it to the Masters to “make them feel better,” instead of risking unnecessarily muffling other users at the wrong times.
Red, gray and green
Once you have created the roles that you consider necessary, now is the time to go specifically to your channels.
Different channels need different permissions. For example, maybe you don’t want everyone to be able to write in the Regulations channel, to avoid unnecessary messages making consultation difficult:
By pressing on the channel and then in Edit channel, the small gear that appears, you can change its various settings. In Permissions, you will find the same permissions present in the roles, and for every three settings: Red / Gray / Green.
These permissions have priority over role permissions, except for those who are administrators, and mean: disable / as per role / enable.
So, allowing you to read (and read the history, remember) but not to write, you can create a “showcase” channel that can be consulted and in which you can put notices, functions, feeds, or the like.
To make your life easier, you can set these permissions in the category that contains the channels so that when you create a channel, it will have the same permissions, and you won’t have to copy them every time. You can also edit those of the channels but remember: in doing so, the channel will no longer be synchronized, and changing the permissions of the category will not automatically change those of that channel.
Structure: essential and superficial
When you have understood which and how many channels you need, arrange them in an order that seems organized, perhaps using the scheme that I suggested you create in the previous chapter.
Tips: Practice
- Use categories to make your job easier. They allow you to set channel permissions quickly.
- Aggregate and simplify channels as much as possible. This way, your server won’t seem confusing or unnecessarily long.
- Use clear names or fancy names. But the important thing is always to try to convey the purpose or category of the channel.
- Add emojis to the titles to help understand the purpose of the channel and to add color to the server. You can copy them from getting emoji. Tip in the advice: Emoji of the text channels on the left to identify them immediately, Emoji of the voice channels on the right to not confuse them with avatars.
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List of servers for role play
Despite everything, does create a game server seem like a company that is not for you, or do you not need it? So, there are a bunch of servers out there where you can find a thousand game proposals. Here is a list is taken directly from Discord DRD (Discord roleplay day):
Publishers, Authors & Related
- Need Games
- Fumble RPG
- Serpentarium
- Illyon Island Editions
- SpaceOrange42
- The World Anvil
- Gecko on the Wall
- Rooster Games, Artworks and Designs
- Mercenary storytelling
- Fantasia
- The Guild
- The Round Table
- The Dwelling
- Lokendil
- Aerial
- Ludacris
- FortunaDado
Community Server, Content creator & Disclosure
- Install
- Stories from RPG
- DiceGames Italy
- Under the Inn
- D20Nation
- Lands Without Borders
- RD Labastre
- Dragon Empire
- Kamil house
- RPG Addicted
How to configure bots to play and what they are
If you want to use Discord to play, you can also do without using Roll20. In other words, I prefer to rely on a few but skilled bots: in fact, there are bots to throw dice (even for the most particular games), bots to manage the character cards (for D&D 5e, for example), and others to reproduce music and even sounds, like a mixer.
Since I hardly ever use maps, Roll20 now seems superfluous to me: Discord bots can replace it very well.
Moreover, if you are creating a server for your community, you can also rely on other bots with more specific functions, or capable of automating numerous very boring functions.
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Bots: generic and specific
To add a bot, you need to invite it to the server. First of all, you can find a multitude of them on the Discord Bot List or, if you are feeling brave and capable, you can also create one yourself. This is not a complex process, but you need to have administrator powers on the server. It is not a problem if the server is yours because, in this case, you have this power automatically, but it is just a warning if you do not understand why the server to which you want to add the bot does not appear among the available ones.