Over the past few days, your Android device has started to do something really unusual to be a smartphone or tablet: it has started to speak, or to better understand, to pronounce the name of the various selected elements on the screen. Given the situation, I want to reassure you right away that no, it is not a “witchcraft” nor a virus. Much more simply, it is highly probable that TalkBak has been enabled by mistake on your device. If you take a few minutes of your free time, I can explain how to disable talkback?
Don’t you know what it is? No problem, I’ll explain it to you right away. This is a special accessibility service that allows blind or visually impaired users to interact with their devices by adding voice, sound, and vibration feedback to the device in use. The function is available “standard” on almost all Android smartphones and tablets (and if not, it can be easily added via the Play Store) and can be enabled on request.
Excluding any real needs for which the use of the aforementioned service proves to be practically indispensable, very often, it is activated in an unwanted way, perhaps after fiddling between the Android settings. So? Well, if you want, I can show you this tutorial of mine just dedicated to the topic. Do you want it? Yes? Very well. Then make yourself comfortable, grab your Android smartphone or tablet and read the instructions below. You will see, in the end, you will be ready to say that in reality, it was a real no-brainer. Let it be?
Table of Contents
Since I do not know the brand and model of smartphone or tablet in your possession. Since I am not even aware of the exact version of Android that you are using. The indications that you find in this article. More precisely, those relating to the menus and settings may differ slightly from what you see on the screen.
Let’s start from a fundamental assumption: even if at the moment you are thinking the opposite and despite appearances, I can make sure that deactivating TalkBack is a very simple operation to perform even for those who, a bit like you, do not consider themselves exactly a great expert in fact of new technologies.
To do this, the first fundamental step you need to take is to grab your device, access the screen of the same in which all the applications (the Launcher) are grouped and select and double-tap the Settings icon (the one with the gear).
In the screen that you are going to view at this point, locate the Accessibility item (or the Accessibility one) select it and then double-tap it. If you can’t see the option in question, most likely, it is because you must first access the appropriate Android settings tab. Usually, it is the Device or the System one, always after selecting the same and subsequent double-tap.
Then select the View item (or the Vision one ) and then tap on it afterward, then identify the word TalkBack and also, in this case, select it and double tap on it then select the switch at the top right of the display and always using double tap bring it to OFF. Finally, confirm your choice by selecting the OK (or Yes) item in response to the warning you see appearing on the screen and tapping on it twice in succession. Et voila! Since it was not difficult?
What is it for?
In fact, Talkback is a standalone Android application by default. You can activate it on almost any smartphone or tablet. This function is regularly used by people with vision problems. The program voices all the menu items and other interface elements to them, as a result of which you can use the device without looking at its screen.
Ordinary people, of course, do not need this feature at all. The average user will read all the menu lines or signatures under the icons faster than a robotic voice will do. Fortunately, Talkback is disabled by default. But it can be activated accidentally when you get acquainted with the “Settings” section. It can also be turned on if you buy a smartphone by hand – after all, it is possible that its past owner does not see well.
Talkback Removal
If you are unable to disable Talkback, then simply delete this service from your smartphone. The easiest way to do this is through the Play Store. Depending on the model of the device, this package may have a different name.
To do this, launch the Play Store and type “Talkback” in the search bar. A list of available applications appears. Choose the one that has Google LLC listed as the developer. In our case, this is the “Accessibility for Android” package.
Talkback is an application that allows you to voice all the actions and manipulations on your smartphone—designed primarily for people with visual impairment. Formally, it’s quite difficult to activate Talkback functionality, but, as practice shows, it’s possible. But with the shutdown, problems begin. Let’s show you how to disable Talkback on your tablet or smartphone.
As far as we know, this method may not be supported by all firmware – press and hold the decrease and increase keys at the same time for 1-2 seconds.
Shortcut to disable TalkBack
In addition to the way I mentioned earlier, you can disable TalkBack using the Accessibility shortcuts, if enabled. To use it and, therefore, to succeed in your intent. Simply press both volume keys on the device for about three seconds.
If you are using an older Android device and as I have just indicated. You cannot disable TalkBack, then proceed as follows. Press and continue to hold the device’s power button until a sound or a vibration is emitted then release it. Touch the display with two fingers and keep pressing on the screen until an audio confirmation is played.
If, on the other hand, you cannot take advantage of the shortcuts to deactivate TalkBack because they are not yet enabled. Selecting the Settings icon (or the one with the gear ) and double-clicking on it. Above and then selecting the Accessibility item (or the Accessibility one) and double-clicking on it. Suppose you cannot see the option in question. Most likely, it is because. You must first access the appropriate Android settings tab. Generally, it is the Device or the System one.\
Select the Accessibility Shortcuts item. Plug it twice in a row and enable the function by selecting The relative switch located at the top of the screen. Then double-tapping on the latter in order to turn it ON. Tapping twice in a row on Shortcut Service and choosing the TalkBack option, in fact.
You can also specify whether to operate the shortcut on the device lock screen or not. If you can’t see the latter option, evidently, the version of Android in use on your device is too old. However, TalkBack should be accessible by default via a shortcut.
Alternative method
Following the indications that I have given you in the prudent lines. Have you not been able to deactivate TalkBack, or are you getting an error? Don’t despair! There is another system that you can adopt to succeed. You ask me which one? I’ll explain it right away.
Locate the Settings icon (the one with the gear). Select it and then double-tap on this ‘last, in the screen that you will see appear at this point. Select the Application Management item (or the App one ).
Search for TalkBack in the list of various apps that are shown to you. Select the relative icon (it is the one with the white speech bubble on the purple background ) and let us double-tap above. If you can’t find the wording Application Management (or WhatsApp ), most likely, it is because you must first go to the General tab of the Android settings.
In the screen that you will later see appear, select the Disable button and double-tap on it, then select the OK item in response to the warning you see appearing on the screen and also in this case press on it twice in succession.
At this point, the operation of TalkBack will be interrupted, and you can then start using your Android device as if nothing had ever happened. It was easy, wasn’t it?
How to reset SMC Mac
Disable only some features of TalkBack
Don’t you want to deactivate TalkBack completely but only some operating options, or do you want to regulate its use according to your preferences and needs? Then do so: just to tanning went to the Android section from which you can enable or disable the function by accessing Settings> Accessibility / Accessibility> View / Vision> TalkBack, then select the Settings item and tap on it twice in succession to access to its menu.
On the screen that at this point, you will see appearing you can. Then go to intervene in the various settings. The various options available after selecting. Then double-tap on the name. Among the options available, there are those relating to the volume of the voice. The one is referring to tone variations. The one to enable or disable the pronunciation of the caller ID and the one relating to phonetic letters.
You can also choose whether or not to enable the use of proximity sensors, whether to use device shaking to start continuous automatic reading, whether to activate automatic scrolling of lists, and so on. If you want, you can also choose to disable double-tap. If you then want to deepen the operation of TalkBack, you can rely on the appropriate tutorial attached to Android itself and which you can always access from the same section of the device settings, simply by pressing on the item visible on the screen.
Finally, I point out that for more details about all TalkBalck settings, you can also refer to the specific information web page attached to the Android online guide.
In the case of second thoughts
Have you thought about it, and would you like to enable the use of TalkBack again on your Android device? No problem, you can do it at any time. To do this, you must essentially carry out the procedure. I indicated in the first step of my article from the beginning. You are taking care to activate the function instead of deactivating it and press once instead of two consecutive on the various items on the screen.
More precisely
you must access the screen of the smartphone or tablet you are using and in which all the applications (the Launcher ) are grouped and press the Settings icon (the one with the gear ). In the screen that is most shown to you, stop on the word Accessibility or on that Accessibility. If you can’t see the item in question. First, go to the appropriate Android settings tab, which is generally the Device or the System one.
At this point, step on the View or on the Vision item. Find the word TalkBack. Press on it and turn ON the switch that you find in the upper right part of the screen by tapping on it. Then confirm the choice made by pressing OK. Yes, in response to the warning that you see appear and is done.