Apple Music is a music streaming service. For a monthly fee of 9.99 euros for individual accounts and 14.99 euros for family plans (up to 6 users). Or an annual fee of 99 euros. Allows accessing an immense library of thousands of songs, albums, and playlists of all kinds, on all devices associated with your Account: iPhone, iPad, Mac, Windows PC, and even Android terminals. In this article, we will give you a complete guide about how to cancel apple music.
The service integrates seamlessly with all Apple home services. From Siri to the iCloud Music Library, but still has some uncertainty. For example, its interface or its automatic recommendations system is not yet at the same level as its rivals. Spotify in the first place: these problems have led several users to abandon Apple Music after the initial 3-month trial. This allows you to use the service for 90 days without spending a euro and to look for valid alternatives.
Are you also among these? Your subscription trial period is about to expire, but you still don’t know how to deactivate Apple Music? No problem. Give me five minutes of your time, and I’ll explain it to you. If you are ready to start, make yourself comfortable, concentrate on reading the next paragraphs, and, above all, implement the “tips.” That I will give you so as not to have problems deactivating your subscription to Apple Music.
Table of Contents
How To Cancel Apple Music: Ease of use
Apple Music was initially launched in June 2015 with a visually bulky and impractical interface. In stark contrast to the clear and straightforward interfaces seen on rival apps from Deezer, Spotify, and Tidal. Since 2016, however, with the redesign of iOS 10, Apple has profoundly revamped. The design of its apps with cleaner graphics and a much more intuitive layout. The current version of Apple Music is more comfortable to navigate (although there are subsections everywhere). Looks more attractive thanks to the prominent album covers, and after a few minutes of figuring out where everything is, it becomes a breeze to use it for the better.
Apple has cleverly hidden many options behind the icons to keep the main screen as clean and raw as possible. Once you open the app and select a song, a playlist, or an album, you will see a circular icon with three dots inside that gives access to sharing options, adding to a playlist, or searching for related lyrics. You can then tap the heart icon if you like a song or tap the heart with a bar if you don’t like it to help Apple curate the music to your liking.
The app is divided into five main sections found at the bottom of each screen: Library, For you, Discover, Radio, and Search. The Library tab is where your entire music collection is collected, starting with all your albums in iTunes (if you have the iCloud Music Library option turned on) to the playlists saved in Apple Music and songs stored on your device. Everything is grouped into the categories of artists, albums, genres, playlists, and downloaded music. You can also scroll directly through the recently added songs, which is useful if you want to hear the catchphrase immediately.
How To Cancel Apple Music Features
Where Apple Music excels, though, is in music curation. The For You tab is where all the service’s fun is, with Apple Music recommending personalized artists, albums, and playlists based on your musical tastes and listening habits. And it is, to be honest, also something a little disturbing. When you first sign up for Apple Music, you are presented with floating red circles highlighting various musical genres. Tap the ones you like to start Apple Music, then tap the heart icon on any song or album you want, and Apple will update your preferences to generate ad hoc playlists.
We were really impressed with the quality of the suggested playlists, not only in the selection of the songs but also in the way they are grouped and presented. From top hits to an artist’s little-known tracks, influences on a certain brand to a playlist focused on a particular songwriter or era, Apple’s care in creating these suggestions has proved remarkable.
It seems like playlists are really curated by flesh and blood experts with incredible musical understanding and culture and not an algorithm. This excellent attention to detail also works with Apple’s HomePod smart speaker. If you have one at home after purchasing it abroad ( here in Italy, it is not yet officially distributed by Apple ), you can ask Siri to play your favorite songs, and Apple Music will offer you songs that you know very well.
Spotify is no exception when it comes to recommendations, but in our opinion, Apple Music manages to do even better on this side. Aside from the weekly updated New Music Mix on the For You tab, Apple Music doesn’t push new music phenomena from the charts as much as Spotify and Tidal.
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Apple has never revealed at what bitrate the Apple Music songs are streamed. We can confirm that the songs stored in Apple’s iCloud library are AAC at 256kbps (the same as downloads from iTunes), but there is no obvious way to understand how songs streamed on Apple Music differ between a Wi-Fi connection and an in 3G-4G. However, the fact remains that Apple Music streaming songs sound brilliant and detailed. Compared to similar songs on Spotify (which are Ogg Vorbis streams at 320kbps), Apple Music offers greater finesse and more space around instruments.
Dynamically, the sound is smoother and more exciting. Notes stop and start with great precision, timing doesn’t disappoint, and even the most extreme dynamic passages are handled admirably. Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana has a lot of attacks. Upgrade to something more refined like Charli XCX’s Boys, and the song’s sparkling pop melody is smooth and snappy. The voice sounds loud, clear, and expressive and not as muffled as in the stream from Spotify.
From what we have heard so far, the quality of streaming offered by Apple Music. In terms of dynamics and detail ensures a more immersive listening than Spotify can do. As always, we encourage you to invest in a decent pair of headphones. To get the best performance from a streaming service like this.
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Apple Music has come a long way in its short life. Offering many unique features that set it apart from the crowd of other streaming services. The diehard fans of Spotify and Tidal will most likely remain loyal to their reference services. But we invite you to give Apple Music a chance (maybe take advantage of the first three months free). Simply to find out how apt and intelligent its proposals and advice are musical. There are many ways to stream music these days. But Apple Music’s personal touches and caring for playlists have led us. In these days of testing to listen to even more music than usual. And this can only be a very good thing.
How To Cancel Apple Music from iPhone / iPad
If you have an iPhone or iPad, know that you can turn off Apple Music in a very simple way. All you have to do is open the Music application (the music note icon located on the Home screen). Tap the For you button (bottom left), press the little man icon, or your profile photo located. At the top right, and select the item View Apple ID from the screen that opens (at the bottom).
Next, you need to type your Apple ID password or authenticate via Touch ID / Face ID (if necessary) and select the Subscriptions > Apple Music Subscription items from the Active / Active menu. To proceed with the actual deactivation of the subscription to Apple Music. Then presses the items Cancel subscription, Confirm and End from the box that opens. If you cancel your subscription.
Don’t want to cancel your Apple Music subscription. But would like to temporarily disable the display of the service within the Music app? Go to the Settings of your iPhone or iPad by pressing the gray icon depicting. The gears are located on the home screen. Select the Music app icon from the screen. That opens and moves the switch lever relative to the Show Apple option to OFF Music. If you also want to disable syncing with iCloud Music Library. Turn off the iCloud Music Library toggle and that’s it.
Subsequently, to restore both services, all you have to do is go back to the Settings> Music menu of iOS and move the levers related to the Show Apple Music and iCloud Music Library options to ON. If you need some advice on how to best organize the music library of the Apple devices in your possession.
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How To Cancel Apple Music from PC / Mac
If you mostly use Apple Music on your computer – be it a Windows PC or a Mac – you can unsubscribe from the service using iTunes. If you are working from a Windows PC and you have not already downloaded iTunes, fix it immediately connected. To the Apple website press. The blues Download button and then proceed according to the version of Windows in your possession. If you have Windows 10, use the Microsoft Store. If you have an older version of Windows, open the .exe file you got and press the Yes buttons in sequence, Next, Install, Yes, Yes, and Finish. In case of problems during the installation, consult the guide. Where I explain in more detail how to install iTunes.
Now, start the iTunes application on your computer. Log in with your Apple ID (by pressing the Login button at the top right, and entering your account credentials in the appropriate text fields). Then, from the menu bar located at the top, select the items Account> View my Account…, enter the password of your Apple ID in the box that opens and click on the Login / View account button.
From the Account Information page, click on the Manage link located near. The wording Subscriptions located in the Settings section and, on the page that opens. Locate the wording Apple Music Subscription located in the Active / Active section and then press the Edit link. Now, click on the Cancel subscription button located at the bottom left and, to conclude, press Confirm and Finish.
You will be able to continue to enjoy Apple Music until your current subscription expires. After which your subscription to the service will be canceled and therefore you will no longer be able to access. Until you reactivate your Account.
Apple Music from Android
Want to know how To Cancel Apple Music from Android? I guarantee you that this is a really simple operation to complete. All you have to do is start the Apple Music app on your device. Go to the settings of the latter and select the option through which to deactivate the subscription to the service. Let me show you in detail how to proceed.
To begin with, start the Apple Music app on your Android smartphone/tablet and, after logging in to the Apple ID on which the subscription you want to deactivate is active (if you have not already done so), go to the Settings of the ” app concerning subscription management: press the button (≡), tap your profile photo or your name and surname and tap the Manage subscription (or Manage family, if you have subscribed to a family plan) item from the menu that opens and, if prompted, enter your Apple ID password.
At this point, presses on the entry Subscription, and, on the screen that opens, you can view the current subscription plan that is active on your Account (under the heading Your subscription ). If you simply want to change the subscription plan, you can select one of the renewal options from those available by tapping on one of them (eg Family 1 month; Individual 1 year, etc.). To deactivate Apple Music, however, you have to move the lever of the switch located in correspondence with the words Automatic renewal to OFF.